Welcome to Fluent!

In order to play the Fluent game, please complete the following steps to install the necessary software.

  1. Before installing Fluent, ensure that Java is correctly installed on your computer. You can easily both check your Java status and download it if necessary by visiting this link. You may need to restart your browser after installing Java.

  2. Once your Java installation is successful, you can download and install the Fluent game by following this link or clicking the image below.

    The first download and installation takes some time, but has to be done only once. The installation creates an icon titled "Fluent-English" on your desktop. The installed game can be launched from this icon. The game will update itself automatically as long as it finds a working Internet connection.

  3. Graphogame registration - instructional video

About Graphogame Fluent

Graphogame Fluent is a digital “edutainment” game for training skills of fluent reading. The game in English has been developed in collaboration with the University College Cork, University of Jyväskylä and Niilo Mäki Institution. The game has been designed to be used primarily by children who experience persistent difficulties in the acquisition of automatic (fast and effortless) reading.

Playing with Graphogame trains children in the important skills for fluent reading. Graphogame includes abundant training in fast recognition of units such as syllables, words and in reading sentences. The game is free for the players.

The players who use Graphogame will take part in research in which the efficacy of the training will be investigated. The information about playing is used in order to do research as well as for developing the games further. When the player plays the games, the information about playing will be stored automatically on our secure server via the internet. In addition, the guardians will be asked to complete a research form that will provide background information on the player. This information from the form will be stored in connection with the player's training data. If you wish not to provide your full contact information for the use of researchers, you do not have to fill in all the information or you may forbid us to use your contact information altogether. The personal and research data will be treated as confidential information and are kept in our register. The description of the register is available here.

The Graphogame providers ensure that all personal information will be stored independently of the data. In addition, all the registered players will be assigned a coded number and no other form of identification will be used in the analyses or in the publications of the research results. Access to the Graphogame research material is restricted to the service providers and their research collaborators.

User license and terms of service

Privacy statement

Consent form

Graphogame register information