Laila Project
LaiLa (Langattomien laajakaistapalveluiden hallinta multiaccess- verkoissa) is a research project located in University of Jyväskylä (Department of Mathematical Information Technology) It is TEKES-funded and part of the GIGA technolgy program. The project focuses on heterogeneous access networks (both wired and wireless) and their management and monitoring. Mainly IPTV, VoD and VoIP services and DSL, WLAN, WiMAX, 3G ja Flash-OFDM network technologies are considered.
The Project Members
- Olli Alanen
- Timo Hämäläinen
- Riku Kuismanen
- Riku Ahonen
- Juha Huikari
- Jukka Kauppinen
The Companies
- Digita
- Arena Partners
- SysopenDigia
- Nokia
- WTS Networks
- Ortikon Interactive
- Sofia Digital
Conference Publications
- "Ensuring the QoS Requirements in 802.16 Scheduling", A. Sayenko, O.Alanen, J.Karhunen and T.Hämäläinen, in the Proceedings of 9th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, 2006.
- "Adaptive Contention Resolution for VoIP Services in the IEEE 802.16 Networks", A. Sayenko, O.Alanen, J.Karhunen and T.Hämäläinen, accepted to be published in the Proceedings of The 8th IEEE Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, 2007.
- "Scheduling solution for the IEEE 802.16 base station", A. Sayenko, O.Alanen, and T.Hämäläinen, accepted to be published in in the Special Issue of Computer Networks, 2007.
- "Adaptive Contention Resolution Parameters for the IEEE 802.16 Networks", A. Sayenko, O.Alanen, and T.Hämäläinen, accepted to be published in the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness, 2007.
- "IP verkkojen suorituskyvyn mittaaminen", kandi-tutkielma, Riku Kuismanen, 2006
- "Single Sign-On ja SAML", erikoistyö, Ismo Kyrönlahti, 2006
- "Langattomien verkkojen tarjoamat todentamis- ja tunnistuspalvelut", erikoistyö, Timo Joensuu, 2006
- "IPS-järjestelmien tukeminen Netflown avulla", pro gradu tutkielma, Marko Andersson, 2006
- "IP-verkon suorituskyvyn monitorointi heterogeenisessa ympäristössä", pro gradu tutkielma, Riku Kuismanen ja Henrik Martikainen, 2006
- "Verkkoresurssien dynaaminen jako", pro gradu tutkielma, Lasse Laaksonen, 2007
- "Datalaskutus 3G-verkoissa", pro gradu tutkielma, Ismo Kyrönlahti, 2007.
- "Adaptive Mobile Multiedia Services", pro gradu tutkielma, Michael Chukwu, 2007.
- "Mobile IPv6 yhteentoimivuus eri laiteympäristöissä", pro gradu tutkielma, Riku Ahonen, 2007.
Ongoing thesis projects
- "Sleep-moodin vaikutus WiMAX-tukiaseman resurssien jakoon", pro gradu tutkielma, Timo Joensuu
- "Quality of Service Monitoring and Management of Multicast in Heterogeneous IPTV Networks", väitöskirja, Olli Alanen