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Satu Matikainen, PhD, Senior Associate

Satu Matikainen, PhD, works as a Senior Associate in General History and will contribute to the project as a post-doctoral scholar and as a PhD dissertation supervisor for Laura-Mari Manninen. She is mainly interested in the involvement of Parliament in foreign policy during the 20th century and the parliamentary means of handling ethnic conflicts.

Matikainen is working on a paper titled ‘Parliament and Foreign Policy in 20th-Century Britain: Methodological Remarks’. She will explore the gradual process of parliamentarisation of foreign political decision-making in Britain during the 20th century. She will discuss methodological alternatives for analysing this relationship, providing a historian’s point of view on a subject that has mainly been studied by social scientists. Parliamentary aspects have often been relegated to the background in research, and the responsibility of the executive branch has been highlighted, even though the parliamentary debate as such may reveal interesting notions about foreign policy.

In another article, Matikainen will study Britain’s, and especially British Parliament’s, views on the League of Nations minority protection system during the interwar era. Britain was one of the main guarantors of the League minority regime which had been set up in the aftermath of the First World War to protect minorities in East Central Europe. Members of Parliament also took interest in the functioning of the system and the British role in it.

In addition, Matikainen is writing a joint article on Parliament and British atomic energy policy in 1945-1946 with Matti Roitto.

Selection of publications:

Great Britain, British Jews, and the International Protection of Romanian Jews, 1900-1914: A Study of Jewish Diplomacy and Minority Rights. Jyväskylä Studies in Humanities 56. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä 2006.

‘Jewish Citizenship in Romania Before the First World War’, Slovo, Vol. 10, No 1-2, 1998, pp. 49-58.

‘Osittain Euroopassa, puolittain Atlantilla. Britannian ulkopolitiikka 1900-luvulla’ [‘Partially in Europe, partially on the Atlantic: British Foreign Policy in the 20th Century’]. Britannia. Saarivaltakunnan Eurooppa-suhteiden historia. Edited by Pasi Ihalainen. Jyväskylä: Atena 2002, pp. 211-240.

’Vähemmistöt ja vähemmistöoikeudet maailmansotien välisessä Euroopassa’[’Minorities and Minority Rights in interwar Europe’]. Historiallinen Aikakauskirja, 104/4, 2006, pp. 433-442.

‘International Protection and Minority Rights: Romanian Jews before the First World War’. Shaping Ethnic Identities: Ethnic Minorities in Northern and East Central European States and Communities 1450-2000. Edited by Marko Lamberg. Helsinki: East West Books 2007, pp. 269-307.

Contact me via email:

satu. m. matikainen _at_

tel. +358 (0)14 260 1271

[More information about Satu and her other publications please click here.]

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