Stuck for words? – Non-native speaker and English idioms

Katja Mäntylä
Dept. of Languages, University of Jyväskylä


Table 1. The acceptability of four meaning alternatives in each participant group and the results of Fisher’s Exact Test (<0.05 is statistically significant and they have been marked in bold letters). The meaning alternatives suggested by dictionaries are given in bold letters.

nati­ves accep­ted
non-natives accepted

Fisher’s Exact test
(two-sided) Fisher’s test value
1. throw off balance
a) lose one’s money in unwise investments 2.8 14.6 0.083
b) trip or push someone so that they fall 38.9 33.3 0.560
c) make someone change their opinion 5.6 5.6 1.000
d) suddenly confuse or surprise someone 88.9 93.1 0.484
2. pull faces
a) twist one’s face to amuse others75 32.6 0.000
b) repeatedly cheat or deceive others 2.8 48.6 0.000
c) show dislike by twisting one’s face 66.7 25.0 0.000
d) cause dissatisfaction or annoyance 2.8 33.3 0.000
3. on edge
a) successful and in a strong position 0 6.3 0.208
b) very nervous and unable to relax 100 61.8 0
c) always fashionable and trendy 2.8 10.4 0.201
d) in a dangerous or risky situation 13.9 86.8 0
4. have a chip on your shoulder
a) feel guilt and shame for doing something wrong or unjust 55.6 37.5 0.059
b) feel inferior because of your background and education 2.8 59.7 0
c) unexpectedly win or inherit a very large sum of money 0 2.1 1
d) be angry because you think you have been treated unfairly 69.4 13.9 0
5. across the board
a) being introduced for the first time 0 9 0.074
b) delegated for other people to do 2.8 31.3 0
c) affecting everyone or -thing equally 94.4 41.7 0
d) under development and planning 0 21.5 0.001
6. be in gear
a) constantly change one’s mind 0 12.5 0.026
b) follow the latest fashion and trends 5.6 29.2 0.002
c) be in excellent working order 61.1 48.6 0.197
d) deal with something effectively 36.1 59 0.016
7. come to a head
a) reach the most decisive stage 97.2 55.6 0
b) thoroughly understand something 0 26.4 0
c) cease to exist or stop completely 8.3 22.2 0.063
d) suddenly get a new inspiring idea 0 25.7 0
8. bring home
a) be more successful than others in a particular situation 11.1 69.4 0
b) earn enough money to support one’s whole family 19.4 16.7 0.805
c) make someone understand the true nature of a situation 91.7 34 0
d) prove someone guilty of a crime or serious misconduct 0 2.1 1
9. give the green light
a) permit or allow someone to carry out their plans 100 97.2 0.585
b) agree with someone’s opinions without hesitation 5.6 40.3 0
c) make someone realize the true nature of a situation 0 2.8 1
d) talk about environmental matters and for the nature 0 0 1
10. the nooks and crannies
a) small and less accessible parts that are normally unnoticed 97.2 38.9 0
b) whims and oddities in someone’s behaviour or character 5.6 25.7 0.007
c) difficulties and obstacles which cause 2.8 25.7 0.001
d) insignificant and quite harmless rumours and gossips 0 22.2 0
11. dip into your pocket
a) win money in pools, or lottery etc. 0 11.8 0.026
b) attempt to steal or shoplift something 0 14.6 0.009
c) spend more money than one could afford 13.9 41 0.00
d) spend or give money on something 86.1 50 0
12. hit the road
a) pioneer a new idea 2.8 13.2 0.083
b) begin a journey 94.4 68.8 0.001
c) ask someone to leave 19.4 60.4 0
d) lose one’s way 0 0.7 1
13. get into your stride
a) make someone behave as you want them to 2.8 41 0
b) become accustomed with a new activity 88.9 29.2 0
c) learn to do something easily and confidently 66.7 43.8 0.016
d) be looked up and respected by other people 0 5.6 0.36
14. get the chop
a) be beaten 8.3 40.3 0
b) be sacked 97.2 38.9 0
c) be killed 13.9 13.2 1
d) be shocked 0 15.3 0.009
15. speak volumes
a) talk in an unnecessary loud voice to gain attention 2.8 38.2 0
b) unable to keep anything a secret but eager to gossip 2.8 34.7 0
c) reveal a lot about something, even without speaking 94.4 20.1 0
d) be very eloquent, and used to and fond of talking 2.8 37.5 0
16. hedge your bets
a) invest money in several businesses to protect oneself against losses 52.8 36.8 0.09
b) hesitate in expressing one’s opinion in order not to take sides 47.2 36.8 0.259
c) gamble and bet large sums of money regularly in all kinds of games 5.6 11.8 0.373
d) be unwilling and hesitant to invest money in fear of losing it all 16.7 33.3 0.067
17. with bated breath
a) expectantly or worried 55.6 22.2 0
b) chokingly or painfully 0 12.5 0.026
c) cautiously or slowly 22.2 33.3 0.231
d) excitedly or anxiously 61.1 46.5 0.138
18. the tip of the iceberg
a) a warning of an approaching, unavoidable danger or problem 13.9 30.6 0.059
b) very impolite and unsympathetic behaviour towards other people 2.8 0.7 0.361
c) part of a very large problem although the rest may not be obvious 94.4 95.1 1
d) an uncertain position that is difficult to maintain and take care of 2.8 2.8 1
19. a lame duck
a) a government or authority with little real power 16.7 58.3 0
b) a person in a weak and uncertain position 72.2 51.4 0.026
c) a business company in financial difficulties 16.7 18.8 1
d) a speech inappropriate to a particular situation 5.6 13.9 0.256
20. vote with your feet
a) have an indifferent attitude towards politics 5.6 15.3 0.172
b) indicate what you want through your actions 63.9 49.3 0.137
c) show contempt or dislike by leaving a place 36.1 65.3 0.002
d) support someone by standing by their side 5.6 16 0.175
21. ahead of the game
a) prepared to deal with changes in a particular situation 16.7 36.1 0.028
b) ridiculing and criticizing other people behind their back 2.8 0.7 0.361
c) with better chances than others to win a competition 19.4 44.4 0.007
d) more advanced than anyone else in a particular activity 88.9 77.8 0.166
22. keep your head down
a) act in a modest way despite one’s talents and success 16.7 58.3 0
b) attempt to avoid trouble by being unnoticed and quiet 94.4 72.2 0.004
c) defense oneself against unjust and harmful criticism 8.3 9.7 1
d) wait for the situation to develop before being involved 11.1 43.1 0
23. be home and dry
a) escape a punishment for a crime 19.4 48.6 0.001
b) achieve one’s aims in a negotiation 41.7 30.6 0.235
c) neglect one’s responsibilities 0 11.8 0.026
d) succeed well in a competition 63.9 32.6 0.001
24. smell a rat
a) suspect that something is wrong 97.2 97.9 1
b) be disgusted by something/one 5.6 7.6 1
c) report a crime to authorities 2.8 1.4 0.49
d) escape an unpleasant situation 2.8 3.5 1
25. make noises
a) openly complain about something 88.9 74.3 0.076
b) speak in an extremely loud voice 5.6 16.7 0.114
c) advertise or support something 22.2 18.1 0.634
d) talk about something indirectly 11.1 16 0.606
26. make a pitch
a) succeed well in a contest 44.4 26.4 0.043
b) try to obtain something 5.6 19.4 0.048
c) be in a leading position 2.8 25 0.002
d) promote something 47.2 34.7 0.181
27. lay down the law
a) express one’s opinion with great force 47.2 29.9 0.074
b) be involved in illegal and shady activities 0 30.6 0
c) behave in impolite and immoral way 2.8 20.1 0.011
d) set down the rules for other people 91.7 63.2 0.001
28. take up the slack
a) make a company more profitable 13.9 13.2 1
b) finish somebody else’s job 55.6 50 0.581
c) clean up a mess made by others 50 64.6 0.127
d) treat other people harshly 0 8.3 0.128
29. pull strings
a) use influential friends or indirect pressure to achieve one’s aims 100 81.3 0.003
b) make other people nervous by one’s unsympathetic behaviour 0 1.4 1
c) cheat or deceive somebody to make them suffer or perish 0 1.4 1
d) control or manipulate other people for one’s own advantage 38.9 69.4 0.001
30. a tower of strength
a) a person who never needs other people but is independent 33.3 60.4 0.005
b) a person who is physically in a very good condition 8.3 18.8 0.209
c) a person who is always willing to give help and support 80.6 31.3 0
d) a person who seldom gets depressed or loses his energy 25 62.5 0
31. take an early bath
a) get used to a new situation 2.8 33.3 0
b) get into financial difficulties 5.6 6.3 1
c) leave some activity unfinished 55.6 50.7 0.71
d) go to bed unexceptionally early 2.8 11.1 0.201
Missing responses 33.3 5.6 0
32. cook the books
a) change written records for one’s own purposes 58.3 57.6 1
b) be in the habit of telling stories and lies 5.6 19.4 0.048
c) make a mess or cause a complete chaos 2.8 24.3 0.002
d) falsify facts or figures to steal money 66.7 45.1 0.025
33. let the cat out of the bag
a) solve a problem that has long been bothering one 0 34.7 0
b) accidentally and unintentionally reveal a secret 97.2 70.1 0
c) tell a lie about someone or spread false rumours 0 6.9 0.215
d) do a favour to someone to also profit from it oneself 0 2.8 0.585
34. hard as nails
a) extremely stubborn and obstinate 41.7 42.4 1
b) seemingly strong but in fact weak 2.8 24.3 0.002
c) extremely tough and ruthless 83.3 45.8 0
d) in excellent physical condition 8.3 4.9 0.421
35. end it all
a) get a job done 8.3 20.1 0.142
b) finish a relationship 41.7 38.9 0.849
c) commit suicide 94.4 73.6 0.006
d) retire from one’s job 8.3 9 1
36. light a fire under someone
a) urge someone to do something 61.1 68.1 0.436
b) raise someone’s interest 30.6 23.6 0.395
c) make someone behave in a certain way 13.9 21.5 0.36
d) try hard to get rid of someone 11.1 22.2 0.166
37. a dog’s dinner
a) a scruffy-looking homeless person 30.6 7.6 0.001
b) a meal consisting of left-overs 5.6 59.7 0
c) work that has been badly done 61.1 17.4 0
d) a chaotic and messy situation 61.1 41.7 0.041
38. there will be merry hell to pay
a) punishment will follow 50 61.1 0.258
b) serious trouble will arise 83.3 72.2 0.204
c) financial costs will rise 8.3 13.2 0.574
d) total confusion will follow 13.9 38.2 0.005
39. kick someone when they are down
a) criticize someone behind their back 8.3 3.5 0.199
b) tell someone to start working harder 0 5.6 0.36
c) hurt someone who is in a weak position 100 88.2 0.026
d) attack someone when they least expect it 8.3 34.7 0.002
40. have a mountain to climb
a) have a very difficult goal to achieve 88.9 96.5 0.08
b) have no friends in a difficult situation 2.8 3.5 1
c) have an impossible task to accomplish 38.9 47.2 0.455
d) have a highly dangerous task ahead 13.9 28.5 0.088
41. a paper tiger
a) written evidence that proves someone guilty 5.6 6.9 1
b) someone/thing harmless and not taken seriously 16.7 30.6 0.144
c) an extremely talented and skilful writer or author 0 9 0.074
d) someone/thing who is less powerful than they seem 58.3 71.5 0.159
42. get the push
a) lose one’s job or position 86.1 7.6 0
b) find a motive to do something 8.3 81.9 0
c) be finished with a relationship 25 2.1 0
d) be bossed around by someone 5.6 16 0.175
43. jump out of your skin
a) be suddenly very frightened or shocked 100 66.7 0
b) be involved in something out of ordinary 0 13.9 0.015
c) be thoroughly annoyed or infuriated 0 29.9 0
d) be energetic and ready to do anything 5.6 21.5 0.029
44. in a sweat
a) anxiously 77.8 47.2 0.001
b) frightened 38.9 47.9 0.356
c) quickly 11.1 30.6 0.02
d) suddenly 5.6 6.3 1
45. kick something into touch
a) reject or postpone something 38.9 10.4 0
b) do something illegal or immoral 2.8 6.3 0.689
c) exploit someone’s weaknesses 2.8 11.8 0.13
d) challenge someone to do something 30.6 69.4 0
Missing responses 25 5.6 0.001

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October 2012