13.04.2003, Agora Center, InBCT 3.2 Peer-to-Peer Communication -seminar presentations:
- Vuori J., "Introduction to Peer-to-Peer and Cheese Factory -project" (.ppt)
- Weber M., "Chedar - Peer-to-Peer Platform" (.pdf)
- Vapa M., "Power-Law Networks" (.ppt)
- Kotilainen N., "Introduction to Peer-to-Peer Studio" (.ppt)
- Nazarko S., "Distributed Data Fusion in Peer-to-Peer Environment" (.ppt)
13.11.2003, Agora Center, InBCT 3.2 Peer-to-Peer Communication -seminar presentations:
- Vuori J., "Visions of peer-to-peer networks and Cheese Factory -project" (.ppt)
- Vapa M., "Resource discovery using NeuroSearch" (.ppt)
- Auvinen A., "Chedar - distributed peer-to-peer platform" (.ppt)
- Kotilainen N., "Distributed computing in peer-to-peer environment" (.ppt)
- Nazarko S., "Distributed data fusion in peer-to-peer environment" (.ppt)
- Weber M., "Mobile peer-to-peer applications and BlueCheese-middleware" (.pdf)
10.10.2005, Nokia Research Center's Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Networking in Tampere:
- Vapa M., "Peer-to-Peer Algorithms and Prototypes in Jyväskylä" (.ppt)
22.3.2007, Distributed Systems Research Seminar Day in Jyväskylä:
- Terziyan V., "Activities of Distributed Systems Research Group" (.ppt)
- Vapa M., "Resource Discovery in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks" (.ppt)
- Tiago P., "Mobile Google - Mobile Web Search" (.pdf)
- Katasonov A., "Peer-to-Peer as a Discovery Instrument for Multi-Agent Ubiquitous Middleware" (.ppt)
- Alanen O., "QoS Studies in Telecommunication Laboratory" (.ppt)
- Auvinen A., "Topology Management in Unstructured P2P Networks" (.ppt)
- Pikki V., "Applying Peer-to-Peer Networks to Massively Multiplayer Games" (.pdf)
- Weber M., "Peer-to-Peer Distributed Artificial Intelligence" (.pdf)
18.6.2010, P2P Content and Distribution Seminar of ICTSHOK Future Internet in Espoo:
Software Specifications
- Vapa M., Weber M., "Chedar - User Stories" (.ps)
- Auvinen A., Vapa M., Weber M., "Chedar - Technical Specifications"
- Auvinen A., "Chedar - Design Documentation"
- Vapa M., Weber M. - "Control Tool Requirements"
- Vapa M., Weber M. - "Guardian to Chedar Protocol Specification"
- Kotilainen N., Rastas J., Töyrylä J., Pentti V. - "Guardian Project - Project Plan"
- Kotilainen N., Rastas J., Töyrylä J., Pentti V. - "Guardian Project - User Interface Specifications"
- Kotilainen N., Rastas J., Töyrylä J., Pentti V. - "Guardian Project - Server Specifications"
- Kotilainen N., Rastas J., Töyrylä J., Pentti V. - "Guardian Project - User Interface Design"
- Kotilainen N., Rastas J., Töyrylä J., Pentti V. - "Guardian Project - Server Design"
- Kotilainen N., Rastas J., Töyrylä J., Pentti V. - "Guardian Project - Test Plan"
- Kotilainen N., Rastas J., Töyrylä J., Pentti V. - "Guardian Project - Test Report"
- Kotilainen N., Rastas J., Töyrylä J., Pentti V. - "Guardian Project - Software Report"
- Kotilainen N., Rastas J., Töyrylä J., Pentti V. - "Guardian Project - Project Report"
- Alanen O., Haukimäki K., Juonoja T., Rönkkö P. - "MoPeDi Project - Project Plan"
- Alanen O., Haukimäki K., Juonoja T., Rönkkö P. - "MoPeDi Project - Specification"
- Alanen O., Haukimäki K., Juonoja T., Rönkkö P. - "MoPeDi Project - Software Design"
- Alanen O., Haukimäki K., Juonoja T., Rönkkö P. - "MoPeDi Project - Test Report"
- Alanen O., Haukimäki K., Juonoja T., Rönkkö P. - "MoPeDi Project - Manual"
- Alanen O., Haukimäki K., Juonoja T., Rönkkö P. - "MoPeDi Project - Project Report"
- Weber M., Vuori J., Vapa M., "Advertising Peer-to-Peer Networks over the Internet", Radiotekhnika, 133, 2003, pp. 162-170. (.pdf)
- Kotilainen N., Kriara L., Vandikas K., Mastorakis K., Papadopouli M., "Location-based Media Sharing in a MP2P Network", ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 2008. (.pdf)
- Neri F., Kotilainen N., Vapa M., "A Memetic-Neural Approach to Discover Resources in P2P Networks", Recent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization, 2008, pp. 113-129. (article .pdf, references .pdf)
- Weber M. "Broker-Based Architecture for Advertisement Propagation in P2P Networks". Proceedings of the 9-th International Conference on Theory and Tools for Transmitting, Receiving and Processing of Information, Tuapse, Russia, 2003. (.pdf)
- Kurhinen J., Vapa M., Weber M., Kotilainen N., Vuori J., "Short Range Wireless P2P for Co-operative Learning", 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Applications (ICETA 2004), Kosice, Slovakia, 2004. (.pdf)
- Vapa M., Kotilainen N., Auvinen A., Kainulainen H., Vuori J., "Resource Discovery in P2P Networks Using Evolutionary Neural Networks", International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems - Theory and Applications (AISTA 2004), Luxembourg, 2004. (.pdf, .ppt, pictures)
- Kotilainen N., Weber M., Vapa M., Vuori J., "Mobile Chedar - A Peer-to-Peer Middleware for Mobile Devices", Workshops Proceedings of the Third IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (Percom 2005), pp. 86-90, Kauai Island, Hawaii, USA, 2005. (.pdf, .ppt, pictures)
- Kotilainen N., Vapa M., Weber M., Töyrylä J., Vuori J., "P2PDisCo - Java Distributed Computing for Workstations Using Chedar Peer-to-Peer Middleware", Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2005), Denver, Colorado, USA, 2005. (.pdf, .ppt, pictures)
- Kurhinen J., Vuori J., "Information Diffusion in a Single-Hop Mobile Peer-to-Peer", Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications", IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2005), Cartagena, Spain, 2005. (.pdf)
- Kurhinen J., Vuori J., "MP2P Network as an Information Diffusion Channel", Proceedings of the 62nd Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Fall 05, Dallas, USA, 2005. (.pdf)
- Auvinen A., Vapa M., Weber M., Kotilainen N., Vuori J., "Chedar: Peer-to-Peer Middleware", Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2006), Rhodes Island, Greece, 2006. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Kotilainen N., Vapa M., Keltanen T., Auvinen A., Vuori J., "P2PRealm - Peer-to-Peer Network Simulator", 11th International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD'06), IEEE Communications Society, pp. 93-99, Trento, Italy, 2006. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Kurhinen J., Korhonen V., Vapa M., Weber M., "Modelling Mobile Encounter Networks", 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Communications, Helsinki, Finland, 2006. (.pdf)
- Kotilainen N., Vapa M., Auvinen A., Weber M., Vuori J., "P2PStudio - Monitoring, Controlling and Visualization Tool for Peer-to-Peer Networks Research", Proceedings of 2006 ACM International Workshop on Performance Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks (PM2HW2N 2006), pp. 9-12, Torremolinos, Spain, 2006. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Neri F., Kotilainen N., Vapa M., "An Adaptive Global-Local Memetic Algorithm to Discover Resources in P2P Networks", Applications of Evolutionary Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4448, pp. 61-70, Springer, Best Paper Nomination, April 2007. (.pdf)
- Auvinen A., Vapa M., Weber M., Kotilainen N., Vuori J., "New Topology Management Algorithms for Unstructured P2P Networks", Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on P2P Systems and Applications (P2PSA 2007), Le Morne, Mauritius, Best Paper Award, 2007. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Auvinen A., Keltanen T., Vapa M., "Topology management in unstructured P2P networks using neural networks", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007), pp. 2358-2365, Singapore, 2007. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Volovikov O., Juonoja T., Weber M., Kotilainen N., Vapa M., Vuori J., "Mobile Encounter Networks and Their Applications", Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2008. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Tiago P., Kotilainen N., Vapa M., Kokkinen H., Nurminen J.K., "Mobile Search - Social Network Search Using Mobile Devices", Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2008. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Vapa M., Auvinen A., Ivanchenko Y., Kotilainen N., Vuori J., "Optimal Resource Discovery Paths of Gnutella2", 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2008), pp. 546-553, Okinawa, Japan, 2008. (.pdf, .ppt)
Licenciate's theses
- Kurhinen J., "Lyhyen kantaman vertaisverkot tiedonlevittäjinä", Licenciate's Thesis, 15.11.2004. (.pdf)
- Weber M., "Advertising Peer-to-Peer Networks over The Internet", Licenciate's Thesis, 17.12.2005. (.pdf)
Master's theses
- Nazarko S., "Evaluation of Data Fusion Methods Using Kalman Filtering and Transferable Belief Model", Master's Thesis, 28.11.2002. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Smirnova V., "Multi-agent System for Distributed Data Fusion in Peer-to-Peer Environment", Master's Thesis, 28.11.2002. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Auvinen A., "Topologian hallinta -algoritmit Chedar-vertaisverkkoalustassa", Master's Thesis, 27.1.2004. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Ivanchenko Y., "Adaptation of Neural Nets for Resource Discovery Problem in Dynamic and Distributed P2P Environment", Master's Thesis, 17.8.2004. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Töyrylä J., "Building NeuroSearch - Intelligent Evolutionary Search Algorithm For Peer-to-Peer Environment", Master's Thesis, 3.9.2004. (.pdf, .ppt)
- Lavonen A., "NeuroHaku - monikerroksisen perceptron-neuroverkon epälineaarinen optimointi", Master's Thesis, 4.9.2005. (.pdf)
- Volovikov O., "Mobile Encounter Networks Application: A Gasoline Price Comparison System", Master's Thesis, 24.5.2006. (.pdf)
- Juonoja T., "The Analysis of BlueCheese Mobile Peer-to-Peer Middleware", Master's Thesis, 28.7.2006. (.pdf)
- Keltanen T., "Vertaisverkkojen topologian hallinta neuroverkoilla", Master's Thesis, 20.12.2006. (.pdf)
- Myöhänen T., "Hakualgoritmit järjestämättömissä vertaisverkoissa", Master's Thesis, 19.6.2008. (.pdf)
Bachelor's theses
- Haukimäki K., "Mobiilit vertaisverkkoväliohjelmistot", Bachelor's Thesis, 24.6.2004. (.pdf)
- Järvinen M., "Vertaisverkkojen hakualgoritmit", Bachelor's Thesis, 15.7.2005 (.pdf)
- Pieniluoma T., "Salatut vertaisverkot", Bachelor's Thesis, 10.3.2009 (.pdf)
- Mendes A., "Mobile Chedar Middleware and Mobile P2P Communication Center for Nokia 770", Special Assignment, 20.1.2006 (.pdf)
- Tiago P., "Mobile Search", Special Assignment, 24.7.2007 (.pdf)